Index Calculadoras


Simplified Acute Physiology Score III
Parámetros recogidos en la 1ª h de ingreso UCI
  • Comorbilidad
  • Motivo de ingreso
  • Variables
  • Resultados

    Mortalidad según localización geográfica

    Metnitz PGH, et al SAPS 3: From evaluation of the patient to evaluation of the intensive care unit. Part 1. Intensive Care Med 2005; 31: 1336-1344.

    Rui P. Moreno, Ricardo Abizanda Campos, et al. SAPS 3:From evaluation of the patient to evaluation of the intensive care unit. Part 2: Development of a prognostic model for hospital mortality at ICU admission. Intensive Care Med (2005) 31:1345-1355
    Mortalidad prevista SAPS 3 = e(Logit)/(1+e(Logit)) donde Logit = -32.6659+ln(SAPS 3 score+20.5958)*7.3068
    Ajuste por zonas geográfica: Australasia Logit=22.5717 + ln (SAPS 3 score + 1)x 5.3163; Central-South America Logit=64.5990 + ln (SAPS 3 score + 71.0599) x 13.2322; Central, Western Europe Logit=36.0877 + ln (SAPS 3 score + 22.2655)x 7.9867; Eastern Europe Logit=60.1771 + ln (SAPS 3 score + 51.4043)x 12.6847; North Europe Logit=26.9065 + ln (SAPS 3 score + 5.5077)x 6.2746; Southern Europe,Mediterranean countries Logit=23.8501 + ln (SAPS 3 score + 5.5708)x 5.5709; North America Logit=18.8839 + ln (SAPS 3 score + 1)x 4.3979.